花びら・葉・つるといった小さな世界の中にも、命の輝きがあり、自然が織りなす豊かな美しさが込められていること、その小さな造形美の積み重ねの連続が、花や、木々そのものの美しい姿に繋がることに、あらためて大きな気づきを得る。 そのことがきっかけで、花びらや葉・つるなどの小さな世界の中に込められた自然美であるあたたかな色合いや風合いに、無限の可能性を感じ、自然の造形と絵画との融合性・共生を求めていく中で、花びらや葉・つるを用い、貼り絵の技法を用いて、点描風に描く、絵画と草花・自然素材を融合させた作品、Natural collage-flowers & leaves- ナチュラルコラージュ作品として、唯一無二の作品が生まれるきっかけになる。 2002年より、展覧会活動を開始し、作品発表をする中、主に欧州で、芸術や文化に触れ、感動した街並みや景色を、絵画と草花を融合して表現するように。人と自然とが織りなすうつくしい景観に、自然との共生の素晴らしさを感じ、その出会いを大切に、現在は、主に欧州で出会った自然豊かな田舎町の景色を、中心に制作し、展覧会活動を展開している。
Working at global motor company, I learnt paintings, gardening, flower arrangement, color coordinating, architecture, interior coordinating, and other various art fields. When I was a little child, I always got astonished and excited to discover bright life in a single petal or leaf, which the grown-up won't pay attention at all. For me, they were the valuable gift from the natural world. These excitements still remain in my mind even today. Now, I am amazed afresh how precious life is shimmering in small petal, leaf, ivy, how beautiful they are, and how rich art they can generate by being reconfigured. With warm colors and texture in blossoms, leaves, ivy, I firmly believe there are marvelous possibilities of magnificent art by integrating natural items and paintings as collage, and creating pointillist painting. I named my works “Natural Collage -flowers and leaves-“. What I want to show is symbiosis of human and nature. From 2002, I started my career as an artist, holding several exhibitions at several art galleries. While endeavoring creating the work, I frequently travels European countries. I got acquainted with impressive scenery with full of natural beauty, which gave me a new and fresh appetite for creating works.
2002年 名古屋4CATSにて初の個展開催
2004年〜 <ナチュラルコラージュ 草花と奏でる風景>として
2008年 自動車会社研究機関退社、名古屋にちいさなアトリエを開く
2009年〜 名古屋を中心に、関東、関西の会場において、
2013年〜 八ヶ岳高原ロッジホテルにおいて個展を開催、
2017年 5月 八ヶ岳高原ロッジホテルにて個展を開催
7月 日本橋丸善にて個展を開催
9月 八ヶ岳高原ロッジホテルにて個展を開催
11月 名古屋三越にて個展を開催
2018年 5月 八ヶ岳高原ロッジホテルにて個展を開催
7月 日本橋丸善にて個展を開催
10月 八ヶ岳高原ロッジホテルにて個展を開催
11月 名古屋三越にて個展を開催
2002 First private exhibition at Nagoya 4CATS.
2004 “Natural Collage -flowers and leaves-“
in group exhibition at Nagoya and Kanto area.
Started holding regular workshop.
2008 Retired from motor company. Opened artier in Nagoya.
2009 5-7 times private exhibitions in Nagoya, Kanto area, Kansai area.
A private exhibition at Yatsugatake Club.
Since then hold a private exhibition there twice in annum every year.
Several workshops at department stores.
2013 Private exhibition at Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge Hotel.
Six to seven times private exhibitions at Aichi area and Kanto area.
2017 Private exhibitions at Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge Hotel (May)
Private exhibition at Nihombashi Maruzen (July)
Private exhibitions at Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge Hotel (September)
Private exhibition at Nagoya Mitsukoshi (November)
2018 Private exhibitions at Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge Hotel (May)
Private exhibition at Nihombashi Maruzen (July)
Private exhibitions at Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge Hotel (October)
Private exhibition at Nagoya Mitsukoshi (November)
Copyright © 2012- miyuki takaori, all rights reserved.